
The smell…what’s that smell??

I brought home “I think” an imperial red philodendron a few days ago. I repotted right away and the roots are as bright as red as the stems and looked healthy! But omg there’s a stale smell that’s extreme! Clearly not normal ….what can I do?? Stinky Red is approximately 4 years old according to the owner of the local nursery!

by Dsquared9820


  1. ying1996

    Was it outside? Could a wild animal have peed in it? Or does it smell like pesticide? Neem oil has a not so pleasant smell to it. Thuricide also smells bad, but they’d have to have overdosed it for you to be able to smell it.

  2. Alternative-Ebb8647

    Why not change the soil and clean the leaves? Could be a lot of things. Some fertilizer smells nasty too.

  3. Digitalispurpurea2

    Maybe give it a bath? Great looking plant tho

  4. GoEatACookie

    Hmm. I have two and they don’t smell. They’re about half the size of yours. I just repotted one yesterday and there was no smell at all. 🤔

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