Gardening Australia

Raising seedlings on heat mat tips?

I made a hot house out of this plastic tub to raise seedlings in. Drilled heaps of holes on the lid.

This is my first time doing this inside on a heat mat, so obviously I don't have any drainage holes in the tub. When I did this outside I always had drainage holes and never had an issue.

But water is starting to pool up in the bottom of the tub and I'm worried I'm going to end up waterlogging the plants. The evaporation is not keeping up with the water build up.

People who raise seeds in mini hot houses on heat mats, how do you manage the water drainage?


by jaymicafella

1 Comment

  1. shiv_roy_stan

    I use a spray bottle to keep the soil moist without drenching it. Spray thoroughly once or twice a day.

    One thing I’ve found is that I get better germination rates using a seed raising tray than taller pots – I think if you use a taller pot the heat mat doesn’t warm the soil all the way through. The black plastic trays they use to carry seedling punnets at bunnings are exactly the right size for my heat mats, i just fill one with seed raising mix and divide it up with string.

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