
Hi, friends. Please help. This time I’m really going to burn down my entire plant collection. 😓

I can’t seem to get rid of this spider mite infestation. I’ve sprayed my plants with just about every bug spray known to man but they keep coming back. I have three in pon and one in water propagating and it seems they’re in love with my Alocasias and in turn now I hate them. Has anyone successfully gotten rid of spider mites? I have them isolated since hosing them down and spraying them again. I’ll change out the pon and spray a 3rd time. They sit under grow lights on top of my cabinets usually. Any tips would be super appreciated! (Even if it’s a flamethrower)

by annax3belle


  1. holly_6672

    I just got rid of an infestation myself. I sprayed all the suspects AGGRESSIVELY, like leaves and top soil and isolated them for 2 weeks.

    So far not a mite seemed to have come back and I keep a close eye on all my plants.

    I also gave a good shower to the leaves to remove the mites before treating with insecticide.

  2. leelivesunderyoubed

    Keep them out of the sun and lights after spraying to keep them from possibly getting chemical burns. You seem to be doing fine with treatment. Spray every 2-3 days. Inbetween check for new webs and eggs. Kill, and Repeat. This should take 2 weeks or longer depending how bad the infestation is. Check other plants too incase. And keep quarantining infested.

    You are right alocasia are spider-mite magnets. Avoid letting your soil dry out so much that the leaves are quite softer and thinner than usual. This attracts any sort of bug because softer leaves are easier to chew. Alot of the time you will find bugs in new rolled up leaves. Or on new leaves that are unfurled. Because they are just as soft as extra thirsty plants.

    Best thing to do is be meticulous and persistent . Sometimes after spraying, manually wipe the bugs from the leaves with a paper towel. Throw those paper towels into a bowl of soapy water mixure or alcohol water mixure. Then use neem oil spray, which is a bug (repellent) after to try and keep them off

    (Update) forgot to mention its very important you are spraying the underside of leaves especially.

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