
My bioluminescent petunia taken with night shot on.

The gene from a firefly is in it. New growth and flowers glow the brightest.

by I_Went_Full_WSB


  1. DistinguishedCherry

    I thought they were still experimenting with these guys

  2. Cyanide_starship

    I was incredibly disappointed in these. Beautiful in camera, but hardly noticeable otherwise.

  3. greyhoundsaplenty

    It’s not a gene from a firefly; it’s from a mushroom. It’s just called a Firefly Petunia.

    I got eight of them. Two arrived dead. One is doing wonderfully. the rest are struggling to green up. I will say that (dead ones aside) they all do glow. They don’t look quite like the photo posted, but it’s unmistakable. You just have to be in a very dark place to see it.

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