
Dragon scale – anything wrong with it?

I got this plant more than a year ago with only 2 really small leaves (there are two plants in one pot). At first I had it in small pot in simple 50/50 perlite/worm castings mix and it was just fine. As the time went by and the plant got bigger and bigger leaves, I repotted it to this slightly bigger pot in a coco coir/perlite/leca/worm castings mix. It bloomed twice after that, leaves got somewhat bigger, but as the plant got bigger leaves so it got bigger issue with oedema. Anyway, after many suggestions on this subreddit, I repotted my plant again few weeks ago – this time in an even chunkier mix – 2 part pumice, 2 part perlite, 2 part coco coir, 2 part pine bark, 1 part worm castings.
The plant hasnt produced any new leaves since the last time it bloomed (1 month ago), and only now there are signs of a new growth visible on the pictures.
I dont keep my plant on the wooden shelf as shown on the photos, it is actually places right next to the window on the wooden stool.

The steps I take are:
– I water my plant thoroughly and let all of the water drain out of the pot.
– I add organic fertiliser with almost every watering.
– Lately I started adding some silica to my watering routine as well as CalMag, as Ive read it can greatly help with oedema (?).
– I water when the soil is completely dry – even when the soil is completely dry, there is still visible oedema in the leaves.
– I now moved my plant directly to window shelf as I dont like the “long” stems on the plant – it seems like it needs more sunlight, but I doubt it since it receives indirect sunlight for a whole day.

No matter what I do, the plant cant keep more than 3-4 leaves and even those on the very long petioles.
If you have any additional recommendations, Id be happy to hear them.

For contrast: I have my silver dragon on exact same spot, in much more compact substrate, receiving much less attention and it is shooting new growth like theres no tomorrow. Also, not a single leaf has oedema. Ever.

by begomtj

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