Carnivorous Plants

How do I save this plant?

How do I revive this Pitcher plant I just bought?

I just bought this pitcher plant for around 40 bucks as I’ve always wanted one, Most of the little pitchers are dead but 2 of them were alive and well!! I noticed it’s just potted in moss right now so I took the whole plant, rinsed it down (pest removal) and then added some clay beads at the bottom for drainage then kinda “fluffed out” the moss and put it back in. What else can I do to help it? The plant itself seems healthy but the pitchers aren’t doing to well.

Plant has drainage beads at the bottom. It has only been watered once (not by me, I just bought it) it’s currently in a room with UVB lights but will be hung near the window when I’m able to get the hooks for it.

by LunamWolf


  1. Nepenthes plants are quite sensitive to being moved. Drastic changes in temperature/light/humidity will cause the pitchers to die off so the plant can conserve energy. They’ll grow back when the plant acclimates to a new environment AND gets enough light and humidity. Theyre very sensitive to having their roots disturbed too, so you might notice it fuss and decline now that you’ve added clay beads and fluffed the media. As long as its getting lots of light it should bounce back. dont worry as much about humidity, mine grow great at about 35% on average. Always water with distilled or reverse osmosis water. Good luck

  2. lemonlimespaceship

    It might look kind of sad for a while, but I bet it’ll bounce right back. Make sure it’s getting plenty of sunlight (window is fine as long as it’s not shaded) and distilled/reverse osmosis water.

    If the pitchers die, don’t stress. The plant can thrive with just its leaves for quite some time. Don’t worry about feeding it for the time being.

  3. Twobuttons

    By the way the pitcher plants are all green rather than red this plant screams that it has had a light deficiency.

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