
First Time Proplifter!

Hey guys – first time proplifter – I didn’t even know this was a thing until I found this sub!

I proplifted these 3 fallen leaves from the plant section of my local Asda. I believe the left is Alocasia, the right Anthurium and the bottom one Crassula/Echeveria (all according to the plant labels in the shop)

Any and all help regarding propagation for these 3 is greatly appreciated – thanks so much in advance!

by StinkyViolets


  1. I hate to break this to you but i dont think you can’t prop either big one from just a leaf 🙁
    If the crassula is a real one and not mislabeled you might get a baby from it though! Let it dry for a few days then place it on soil, if you’re lucky (I have not been) it will start to put out tiny roots and begin growing a new plant

  2. Internal-Test-8015

    Alocasia and anthurium wont prop from leaves but the other one will.

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