Carnivorous Plants

Im super excited for a flower, but im worried since its a medium sized plant, should i cut it?

Im used to some of my larger Neps flowering, but im a bit worried about this one since its only medium sized. Do you guys let them do their thing or trim the stalk when they're flowering on the medium size?

by MirrorsF3


  1. hasturoid

    I just had a flower stalk pop out of my Nepenthes Miranda. I cut it off before it could open its buds, since the flowering will take energy from the plant itself. But I don’t think it’ll suck your plant’s energy if you want to see the flowers when they bloom, just cut as soon as they’ve done so.

    Unless you wanna crossbreed, then that’s a whole other thing 🫠

  2. Bicyclemasteros

    Is this actually your plant? That tag looks a lot like one you’d see in a botanical garden or something.

    You really should let it flower only if you want to cross it with another plant you have flowering. Otherwise the flower it’s is not that impressive to see.

  3. PitcherTrap

    It’s only an issue if your plant has health issues and is weak to begin with.

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