
First blackberry is getting ready to be eaten!

Behold my super crop again! Navaho, thornfree and triple crown. Zone 2 in Finland.

These things like to grow, or it seems so!

(Planted 17 blackberries this spring, some old canes are giving few berries for tasting)

by Wilhod1234


  1. TheNapQueen123

    I’d wait for that dark one to darken just a bit more, they are the tastiest when they are really dark and a bit soft. They should come right off the plant when they are ready! I hope you are able to make some tasty stuff or just enjoy eating them as they are!

  2. Ok_Grape_8284

    My blackberries need a long time at the ‘blackened stage’ before they aren’t sour as hell. Do yours do this too?

  3. lordastral990

    Fresh blackberries go good with ice cream

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