
What’s wrong with this bell pepper?

I'm growing a yellow bell pepper in a 5 gallon container in Northeastern US. This is actually a newer fruit only about 3 inches long, and looked to be growing fine until I turned the plant today and noticed this bruise?

It's a bit squishy, and my guess is that it's rotting under there. I'll cut it off, but I'm not sure what would cause this? I have some more mature fruit on this plant almost ready for picking, and non of the other fruits look like this. If it's an isolated thing it's fine, but I'm worried it's a nutrient or disease thing?

by mccarthycodes


  1. Affectionate_Sir4610

    Cut that fruit off and water with a calcium/ magnesium fertilizer. It’s a sign of nutrient deficiency, but *inconsistent watering* (over watering washes out the fertilizer and under watering restricts the existing fertilizer) can cause it too because plants rely on water to deliver nutrients.

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