
Keep or Toss?

Three little holes.

What’s the rule with damage? I think I read somewhere that tomatoes with holes on the skin were as good as dead. True?

by merdamerdameda


  1. teddytentoes

    From my own experience, I’ve always just cut out the bad parts and used the rest. I’ve been doing this for years and my family and I haven’t died yet!! 🤷😁

    But in all seriousness, I am pretty sure, unless there’s some kind of insect actually inside your fruit, its good to eat still!!

  2. EvelynnMoondrop

    it depends whether the holes were made by a burrowing worm or insect that is now eating the inside as well. if the holes are superficial divots, you could probably cut them away and use the inside. can’t tell for sure until it’s cut, but I see it still has ripening to do, so hopefully it’s okay. that cracking on the top looks like it was caused by the inside of the tomato swelling faster than the expansion of the outer skin so it burst a little.

  3. Skeeter-Pee

    Depends how many other legit tomatoes you got. If you have an abundance chuck it. If it’s a bad year cut around the bad parts and don’t waste the fruit of your labor. Pun possibly intended.


    I would just slice it and save seeds. The holes 🕳️ get to me lol

  5. Davekinney0u812

    I would definitely keep it and cut out the ugly bits.

  6. Calm-Example8939

    Sofrito. Tomato, onions, garlic maybe a pepper to cook some meat or chicken.

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