
Help me fix my cabbage!

New indoor grower testing out the 5 gallon bucket method with oxygen pump.

My flash cabbage has spotting on the leaves. What am I doing wrong? Light intensity is at 60%. Roots are well established. Still have about 2.5 gallons of water left. Using advanced nutrients line (pH perfect).

by JoePatowski


  1. cropraider

    Cabbage? Isn’t it like the cheapest vegetable to buy?

    Anyway, nice work!
    can you measure the PH of your nutrient solution and the TDS? Without that, you are kind of flying blind. At least if you can measure PH, you can mix up a new batch of nutrients at the right ph and change out every week or so.

  2. Ok-Register-5476

    What fertilizer and how much are you using?? PH? EC?
    What cultivar is the cabbage

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