
Tree autopsy- what happened to my tree and could I have done anything to save it?

We moved in a year ago, and this tree was my favorite to lay under on the grass. I had noticed that it wasnt as fully leafed as others I'd seen in the neighborhood but maybe it was ok. The leaves changed and fell earlier than any of the others in Fall. In winter, two colonies of mushrooms fruited on its trunk. After winter, it barely grew new leaves and the ones that did grow, died and fell off within a few weeks. It's been bare throughout summer.

Before I could get an arborist out to take a look at this tree (i just got a job so money has been tight up until now), my husband made the call to get it cut down, which was probably for the best. It did make me very sad, but I'm happy that we'll process it ourselves to use for firewood, art projects, and maybe a side table or two.

My curious mind would love to know how you think it might died and if I could have done anything to help it, even though it's a little too late for that now.

Thanks for any info you can provide!

by InspectorSad4693


  1. State_Dear

    Unfortunately in a case like this,,, by the time you notice anything,,, it’s dead.

    About the only thing I could think of is Preventive Care from an expert,, someone that comes out and inspects your trees, take soil samples, applies nutrients, etc,,

    An expert might have caught this,, Might.

    Of course this all costs money,,

  2. BaekerBaefield

    By the time you moved in, it already had fatal damage. There’s rot in the heartwood, mushrooms mean that the pathogenic fungus inside was already mature. Could’ve been caused by a huge number of things, tough to place a cause. I see a porch next to it, if that concrete was laid while the tree was alive that probably did the trick.

  3. State_Dear

    Unfortunately by the time you notice something, the tree is already dead.

    The only thing I could think of is,, Preventive Care

    Having a trained expert that would inspect your trees annually, test the soil, add nutrients etc..

    They MIGHT have caught the problem early

    But that costs money

  4. State_Dear

    Unfortunately by the time you notice something, the tree is already dead.

    The only thing I could think of is,, Preventive Care

    Having a trained expert that would inspect your trees annually, test the soil, add nutrients etc..

    They MIGHT have caught the problem early

    But that costs money

  5. State_Dear

    Unfortunately by the time you notice something, the tree is already dead.

    The only thing I could think of is,, Preventive Care

    Having a trained expert that would inspect your trees annually, test the soil, add nutrients etc..

    They MIGHT have caught the problem early

    But that costs money

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