
About to brew a 100% homegrown beer this weekend!

About to brew a 100% homegrown beer this weekend!

by fight-me-grrm


  1. fight-me-grrm

    I have a teeny tiny itty bitty fun size farm on a normal urban yard. Ripped out the front and back yards and managed to build a permaculture system that supports yummy meals and now fermented beverages! 

    This stuff is all part of a pretty robust system that includes bees, ducks, vegetable gardens, raised beds, fruit trees, hydroponics, etc. The ‘kent golding’ hops are grown up a flagpole that shades a birdbath and two beehives. The ‘painted hill’ corn was part of a three sisters garden in the front yard. The ‘purple karma’ and ‘black hulless’ barley, white winter wheat, winter rye, and jerry oats are all cover crops throughout the food forest and xeric wildflower meadow. The yeast is from elderflowers in the food forest.  The spent grain and yeast will be fed to the ducks and the straw used for their coop or as garden mulch. I also have wine grapes that double as a privacy fence. Not pictured: honey!

    I ultimately grew enough grains last year for 16 gallons of 5% beer, but a lot of it is going to other purposes like bread or eaten whole in meals. Threshing, winnowing, malting, kilning and crushing the grain is kind of a pain so I don’t know how many times I’m going to do this. But proof it can be done in a small space!

  2. sunjaeya

    That’s awesome! Brewing your own beer is such a fun project. I did a homebrew with all homegrown ingredients last summer, and it turned out surprisingly good! There’s something special about sipping on a beer you grew yourself. 

  3. blimboblaggins

    This is amazing. I have wanted to do something similar for years but have focused on growing meals instead of beer. Both can be done, for sure, as you prove, but it takes a lot of time and management. Kudos to you for making it happen. That’s the dream imo. Maybe in 5-10 years I’ll be as cool as you but this post gives me immense hope

  4. Kabloomers1

    What’s your zone? This is so impressive (we stalked your r/permaculture post too)

  5. rainmanak44

    As both an avid Brewer and Homesteader, I love this. I have never had the space or desire to grow any grains but I have made many wines and meads from all home harvested ingredients including natural yeasts. I also add lots of fruits to my beers from my yard. Good for you.

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