Gardening Australia

Any idea on what is eating / killing my elephant ears? How do I prevent further leaves eaten, stop them in their tracks?

Any idea on what is eating / killing my elephant ears? How do I prevent further leaves eaten, stop them in their tracks?



  1. Gileswasright

    You’ll have to go through each base of each leaf and find the caterpillars. Unfortunately all of the eaten leaves will probably die.

  2. Vakua_Lupo

    You should find caterpillars in the groove where the leaf meets the stalk of the plant. They are the same colour as the plant and blend in quite nicely.

  3. DizzyList237

    This happened to me earlier this year. The caterpillars hide during the day at the base of the stems near the trunk. You will see their poop first. I pick them off & move to a sacrificial plant. Your colocasia will survive & bounce back. They also enjoy munching on monstera, raphidora & pothos. 💚🪴

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