Carnivorous Plants

Cape sundew alba died within two weeks of bringing it home from the local nursery??

I was excited to see they had some albas mixed in with the average cape sundews and snagged one! I was excited because it even came with two heads, though the nursery seemed to water it to where there was zero dew on it at all when I got it. I let it acclimate for a few days since I didn't have a pot yet, but when I did repot I put it in the same soil I have the rest of my plants in and they are all doing well in it (peat moss, perlite, and sand premixed carn soil, with a bit of extra perlite I added). I started acclimating it to the growlight and figured it was throwing a repot tantrum as plants tend to do but then it quickly went brown and died all the way back. I did have to mess with the roots a little more than I wanted because it had a paper death plug around it.

So I guess the question is, is it dead dead? Will it start growing back? Should I cut back the tall nub it left behind? Am I just a horrible sundew plant parent? 😅 I've seen a few people say they can grow back from this stage but idk how true it is and I don't want to just be watering an empty pot…

by bohemian_stargazer

1 Comment

  1. MisterPhister101

    Look, I stayed a holiday inn last night. Give it the viking burial it deserves.

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