
Cheiridopsis Denticulata thrive plan

Help me make a plan for this one to thrive or umm, survive with pride 🤣? I am confident with a lot of plants though I have to admit my track record in the succulent genre isn’t stellar. I’ll repot with sandy/ rocky/ good draining soil. I’m stuck on this color combo so it’s not getting an unglazed pot. I’ve done some reading about care but it was less than confidence inspiring. Soil was lightly damp when I brought home from nursery. It’s dry dry now. When should I water? like a month? Really? It’s getting solid afternoon and evening light in a window. also what’s going on with the wrinkling on the one piece (second photo)? it is just sending water to future growth or upset about something that happened before I got it? TIA!

by Lady337492

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