Gardening Australia

Trees, hedging or otherwise advice for winter shade but full sun in summer? (Brisbane, QLD)

I'm getting rid of this grass and putting in some ground covers along the passage way to my front door but I like the idea of putting some kind of trees or hedge along the fence line in the red box. Problem is, as you can see from the shadow it's in shade almost all of winter, but then in summer the sun is directly overhead all day. Looking for recommendations on what could grow nice and full during the summer but survive the winter shade. I was thinking something like lilly pilly straight and narrow but wasn't sure if they'd get too leggy in winter. Needs to be fairly compact width wise to maintain the path, don't mind 2-3m height and non invasive roots (storm water and water main runs down the other side… along with the fence posts, etc.). I love the idea of something I could shape to hang over the pathway at some stage but that might be a little ambitious. Note the pavers will be getting shifted a little closer to the house to make some room. Thoughts?

by bendyamin

1 Comment

  1. paultheeviltwin

    Maybe some Japanese maples or the like in larger pots positioned where your windows are?

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