Houseplants Circle Jerk

I’m sorry. $42.99 is a steal? Am I high!?

I’m sorry. $42.99 is a steal? Am I high!?

by coldbrewcult


  1. Monstera Thai cons have been fairly expensive until recently, and the ones you get for $40 up until like the last 5 months or so would be about 1/4th the size of these Costa farms plants. Plus Costa farms sometimes puts multiple plants in the same pot. Only recently, have these been available in the stores due to wide tissue culturing.

    There is an issue with Thai cons that also has kept them relatively rare for some time, mainly that they have a huge issue with root rot and require some more delicate care compared to a normal monstera or even just an albo(which cannot be tissue cultured as the variegation isn’t genetically based). Basically, you need to go with almost an orchid-like mix with very little soil and terracotta/clay/cement pot to dry them out asap to minimize its tendency to just drop it’s roots. This also makes them need a lot more frequent waterings.

    So is this a steal? Maybe, if you are getting multiple stems per pot, and you really like the bird-shit style variegation, but these people also probably will let the plant just die by keeping it in that pretty, rot-inducing plastic pot it was bought in… And then to me it’s like… Why spend that much?

  2. Ok-Historian-702

    Plant this size is going for 100€+ where I live.

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