
What’s wrong with my boy?

I can't tell whether something is snacking on my pothos, or if I'm just a terrible plant parent. I've tried to cross reference with insect damage from the Internet but can't work out what's wrong.

This is the oldest plant I've got and has been with me throughout so I really want to save it, even if its just a basic neon.

by Nydiwen17


  1. Remarkable-boymom118

    Has it gone thru any changes, in care or location? Have you use anything new on him recently? Has anything AT ALL been new or slightly different?

    Same think happened to my Golden in January when I moved. I had no idea what happened (still don’t) but I know I had to do a lot of adjusting to get her back happy. I made up my own delusional conclusion in my head that she just didn’t like the house (darker and terrible windows), her place in the home, or the water from the home so I kept moving her until we found a spot the was far enough away from the window so she didn’t get burned again (the windows are so old and thin and might as well not even be there!). And purchased some tap water conditioner for her water and gave her a repot and we are back happy with each other😅

  2. TurnoverUseful1000

    Have you checked it for pests ? I think I see some questionable specks on upper leaf in third pic. I just read another post that said thrips youth look sort of like little grains of rice. They lay their eggs in the leaf which accounts for that lightening of those areas on it. Black specks on the plant is their poop. Lastly, they are know to leave an odd, sticky stuff on the leaves.

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