Carnivorous Plants

Is my flytrap sunburned?

My vft was standing outside in full sun maby for half an day, maby less but it started getting yellow and this red hues on leafs. Should i just let old leafs alone and let new ones grow? Now its standing unter 1000w full spectrum light. Should i put it first further from lamp?

by No_Hope6402


  1. HandyMcHandsome

    Leaving comment because mine looks like this but its gotten too little light lately

  2. AaaaNinja

    Did you gradually introduce it to the sun or just put it in the sun? They can be in the sun but you have to give them time to get used to it.

  3. Right_Jacket128

    Bringing a plant outdoors requires a gentle “hardening off” period that takes about a week. Its first day outside should be just an hour in the shade before you bring it back inside. Next day a couple hours in the shade, next day an hour of morning sun with the rest of the day in shade, you get the picture.

    This should do fine though. it’s got some new growth.

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