Gardening UK

Neighbour’s drenage in my garden

I moved to this property last year and recently was doing some garden maintenance. While doing that I found a plastic pipe running from my neighbour's garden into mine. The area is always damp and takes lots of sunny days to dry. It looks like this is some kind of drenage from shed or something.

This is in Scotland. Is this legal? What should I do? I am fairly new to the country and don't know all the regulations.

Today it was raining lightly and I remebered to record a video which I am attaching. The flow seems considerable and I am worried about long term effects. Our area is hilly and neighbour's property is located higher.

Many thanks.

by Subject-Wasabi4102


  1. That seems dodgy. Maybe try the Uk legal advice subreddit?

  2. Technolog1c

    Block that up it’s in your side of the garden

  3. mister__ko

    Handful of rags bunched up inside a shopping bag should block that up nicely

  4. ballsplopmenacingly

    Maybe give them a knock and kindly point out your concern. If they don’t help…. Block it up!

  5. Thin-Disaster3247

    Expanding foam will have you covered

  6. cchurchill1984

    Just go talk to your neighbor!!
    I highly doubt it’s “legal” but can’t say…

  7. OpelFruitDaze

    Don’t just block it up. You need to live next to these people.

    Ask them about it. Explain the problem and see if you can remedy it in a friendly way.

    Post to legaladviceuk if that doesn’t go well.

  8. ElusiveDoodle

    I think the law in Scotland says you must accept water that flows onto your property.

    Your best solution is find something to do with it. Either a pond, a pebble filled trench to act as a soakaway or a proper drain are your most obvious options.

    You could ask your neighbour to do something but I suspect they are under no obligation to.

  9. Subject-Wasabi4102

    Thanks for comments everyone. I will definitely first talk to my neighbour. I was hoping there would be some legal requirement to use as leverage in case he is not cooperative. The last resort would be, as most seem to suggest, block it on my side.

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