Gardening Austin

Baby Artichoke Agave!

One of my artichoke agave’s had a baby in my rock bed?!

What can I do to move it so it can keep growing?


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  1. rabidturbofox

    Just kind of carefully dig out on the side where it’s not attached to its mom, then ease your fingers down as far as you can get them (you’ll feel a little root.) Pull up, getting as much of that little rootlet as you can, but don’t stress yourself if it snaps off.

    I’d keep it inside in a cool/dry place for a couple of days to let the break callous over (I set them on newsprint in a closet, or shut them up in a paper bag or Amazon box or something.) Then just put it in an extra plastic planter (or a cleaned-out yogurt container with plenty of holes poked in there bottom, whatever) with some loose potting mix (cacti and succulent mix preferably.) I’d water to help establish rn since we’re in the middle of the summer, then set it outside. I start them in a place where they have a sun break for part of the day before moving them to full sun.

    Good luck! These guys are very forgiving, especially once they’re that big. I have a client who tips me in artichoke agave pups and I love them. 💕

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