

hey yall , so ive been on my compost journey for a few months , I’ve been making sure to add more browns then Green. ive been mixing it more often during the Summer here where i live currently (massachusetts) . But for some reason it doesnt get hot at all and i feel like the material is taking forever to break down. Using these pictures does it look like im doing things right ? any advice to speed up the process ?

by CuriousThreat


  1. Iliketogrowstuf

    Add a bag of grass clings and a ton off coffee grounds, I get it free from Starbucks. It’ll get super hot.

  2. JelmerMcGee

    Looks pretty dry to me. Are those wood shavings? They are very high in carbon. You probably need more green material and to add moisture. Also onion skins take forever to break down. They are frequently ran through a second batch in my compost.

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