
Silver dragon and Corms

I recently got this Silver dragon. This is my first alocasia. I’m trying to figure out what medium I will use when I repot. I don’t think I need to up pot. I figured since I have a perlite, house plant, lecca, orchid bark mix already, I would just use that. Lechuza pon is quite pricey. Any tips? I’ve done a Castile soap/neem oil spray. I know these guys are spider mite magnets. I’ll try to keep up with that. I have a humidifier coming in today. House stays at about 50-60% humidity. I’m super scared of overwatering/root rot, so I waited a few more days after I felt the soil to be dryyy, to bottom water.

While watering my plant, I noticed some corms off the top. I decided to try and grow them. This is my set up (second photo). What is your take on it? I’ve seen water propagation, fluval/solum stratum, lecca etc. This is my first time trying, so any advice is appreciated.

by dasmegg

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