Plant Propagation

New to cuttings and seeds

Hi! I just recently got into cuttings and growing native plants from seed.

I was wondering whether this setup is suitable for growing them! I don’t have any fancy equipment besides perlite and peatmoss.

They are all in a Sunroom which gets pretty warm, probably around 75-80F

I only put them in yesterday, im not so worried about the seeds but moreso the Bearberry manzanitas, theres barely any info online about propagating them which is why I’m asking here 😅

The cuttings are in perlite with a tray of water underneath, and the box has holes for the water to soak into the perlite.

Thanks in advance for any help!

by AnObfuscation

1 Comment

  1. I do mine in play sand and have a very large take rate. My setup is close to yours. If they are in a sunroom do not let them get any direct sunlight. I keep mine in almost full shade for about six weeks.

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