Plant Clinic

Did I accidentally murder my plants? :(

Hi everyone, yesterday I changed the soil of my neon pothos and philodendron to an orchid mix because I heard that’s better for them. It was really hard to get the original soil off so I ended up getting alotttt of water on the leaves. Today they look super wilty and sad, and a lot of leaves feel very flimsy. Will it bounce back or did I just ruin them? 🙁

The growth lights in the pictures just came today so I’m hoping the extra light will help them recover faster

by Bulky_Fix1622


  1. No I think it’s just adjusting. Keep the soil moist not wet. Have you ever moved and you’re so exhausted after? That’s how the plant is feeling

  2. ilikerosiepugs

    They should perk back up soon–have you given them a deep watering with the new soil? I like to bottom water my plants because it helps the roots grow down lower quicker, and stops gnats.

  3. nicoleauroux

    Pro tip: your plant has super fine hair like roots that help it take up moisture. These work in combination with fungus in the soil. The larger white roots you see are not what’s taking up water. So if you remove all of the soil you’re probably damaging the part of the plant that helps it absorb moisture.

    It’s going to take some time, all you can do is have patience.

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