
Friend gave me a 6 inch cutting 6 months ago.

it feels so velvety… I wanna wear it like a cape somehow…

by Stephenitis


  1. Organic-Log4081

    Looks like a Baby Bunny Bellies plant. Is it purple on the underside of the leaves?

  2. melbbear

    I struggle to comprehend how that grew from a single 6” cutting in 6 months

  3. Lol it’s not fair 😭 I celebrate every new leaf

  4. I have one of these and no matter how much it’s neglected, it grows like crazy all year round!

  5. aranealut1

    What soil is recommended? I have a little cutting I am trying to grow

  6. schebegeil

    I bought one from etsy that had to get shipped from bulgaria to switzerland which took about three weeks. it was about 3 inches long and looked still okay from transit, now it‘s on its third pot and seems like it won‘t stop growing

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