
Rhodo unable to retain foliage

My potted rhodo came out of my yard with a promising root ball around 3 months ago and has continually created new foliage at existing and new locations. The problem is as fast as it buds new foliage, the older leaves brown and die off. I thought it was getting to much direct sun so I relocated to 4-6 hours. I water bi daily and have very good drainage. Please help ✌️

by Psychological-Arm637

1 Comment

  1. HawkingRadiation_

    If it came out of the ground 3 months ago, it is in the wrong type of soil. For bonsai, it should be transitioned from coarse particles and organic material, to progressively finer and more mineral soils over the course of years.

    See [Harry Harrington’s article]( for more details.

    And if you want a more scientific answer let me know. I wrote a bit of an article on how water and soil interact in bonsai that will hopefully illuminate things for you if you need it.

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