
How we lookin? Lots of pee

How we lookin? Lots of pee

by Smearcamp


  1. socalquestioner

    Needs a drain hole, lots more browns and some more greens.

  2. Sure_Brick_249

    Rock on my friend! Compost is not a competitive sport, it’s rotting stuff down. If you’re just composting leaves, may I recommend just putting them under your plants as is? Orleaving them where they fall.

  3. B1g_Gru3s0m3

    You’re well on your way. A bag of grass clippings and a stir would really get things rocking

  4. lazenintheglowofit

    Unpopular Opinion: The myth that pee will make any compost pile hot.

    All you gotta do is sprinkle a bit of nitrogenous fertilizer over the heap.

  5. ILoveHorse69

    Get it out of the trash can and onto the ground. Things break down in nature and thanks to nature. Compost bins are an attempt to commercialize a seamless natural process.

    If you want it to break down properly you need more organics, spent brewers grain, spent coffee grounds, wood chips, lawn clippings, melon rind, etc.

  6. Squidsquace_

    Ngl, I just take dumps in my backyard, cover it with some leaf litter and call it compost.

    I’ll then pee all over it to “water it in”

    I don’t actually care about composting I just like defacting in front of my neighbors

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