
Looking for advice on my Summer Experiment..

Back in June, I had a fungus gnat infestation that did a number on my marble queen. I brought her outside on a sunny day and pretty much all of the remaining leaves were singed.

I was able to save a few props, but couldn’t bear to part with it, so at a friend’s suggestion, I left it out on my back porch and left it alone. Watered it now and then when I went to care for other plants. After a few weeks, all of this new growth sprouted up and keeps on going!

I live in the Northeast US, so I’ll need to bring it inside soon. Obviously the soil is no good and there are a few weeds. Any advice on repotting? I’ve been holding off on repotting for a while bc I didn’t want to disturb the growth.

TLDR; any advice on salvaging the marble queen sprouts from this guy?

by LeslieKnope4POTUS

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