What's this plant

What is this?

Unassuming house plant from my grandparents house. Never knew it blossomed until today. Look how gorgeous!!

by Key_Fox2494


  1. bluish1997

    Hoya genus

    In the milkweed family Apocynaceae

  2. Honey_No-No_2953

    Hoya’s will like a bright somewhat sunny location in order to bloom. They thrive on neglect; water sparingly every couple of weeks. If the leaves turn yellow, you’re over watering. They live forever (30 yrs+ with regular care.) The blossoms smell wonderful at night. 🤗💕

  3. FamiliarStatement879

    I had one for 30+ years same pot for 25 years the only I do I fertilize once or twice a year and it blooms every year just be careful when they are in bloom they drip nectar that can stain wooden floors. If you want to propagate just stick a cutting in dirt and keep moist also they send out long shoots with no leaves that is normal. Mine is close to sliding door and hummingbird come to feed on it when in blooms I trim it hard about every 2 years (leave about 4 leaves above main stems) enjoy they are great plants

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