Plant Propagation

First time propagating

So I tried one cutting from a big rainbow coleus I have outside first to see if it would work, and to my shock despite Google saying it usually takes 2-4 weeks for them to develop roots, my first cutting started developing roots in 2 days…. It was just in a glass of filtered water in a window that doesn’t get a whole lot of sun. So then after seeing the success I quickly went out and gathered more cuttings from the rest of my coleus variety and I’m not seeing the same results. I’m trying an experiment using all the different techniques I saw online such as certain color grow lights, heating mat, humidifier, hydroponics root hormone, and oxygen aerators. I have 3 aerators I’ve been switching between the bottles doesn’t seem to be making a super huge difference I’m not sure if I’m even using them right but I don’t have a fish tank so that wasn’t an available option lmao (I am thinking about getting a beta to experiment with some pothos cutting next) anyways, the only one that’s rooted so far is that first cutting and I have a couple of tiny roots starting to form on another rainbow coleus cutting. The one I’m wanting to root the most is that bright green speckled one cause it’s my favorite and I only have one and couldn’t find another one like it. Not only are those cuttings from it not rooting but the mother plant hasn’t grown any new leaves from where I chopped her either and it’s really concerning me. I know it normally takes 2-4 weeks but if I got one to root in 2 days why aren’t the other ones especially with the added nutrients and benefits??? Also seeing some mushy browning around the edges of the leaves, is that something I should be worried about?

by Skittlesmyluv

1 Comment

  1. Scrubtimus

    Wow! 2 days for roots is wild! My coleus root fast but not like that. Takes mine 2 weeks before I’m comfortable with their roots to move them.

    I love the experiments. My go to for props is mini greenhouses. I use display cases to get humidity to 100%, grow light, and plop whatever prop in a cup of water—dechlorinated mixed with drained water from my frog terrarium drainage layer(so soil runoff and frog poop water). I definitely recommend adding a closed container/low ventilation to contain humidity for the coleus to your experiment. I’d be curious how it compares to your others.

    I’ve never tried proping in an aquarium before. I always let them root first then move them to my aquarium. no reason why just not tried it. I might have to give it a go in the spirit of your experiments.

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