Plant Propagation

rate my setup

planted filter less 20 gallon long with snails, shrimp, and fish.

male orchid
female koi
aphyosemion australe breeding pair

plants are cuttings from my collection i want to clone and mass produce to sell, ranging from monstera aurea, burle marx flame, and ablo, to common pothos and cool aquarium plants

i set this up a recently and it’s been going well, i have two bettas in there (male female) and two killi fish (male female) and plan to eventually breed them and sell the fry to a local shop but that’s besides the point. they are there for “aquaponic purposes” if they make a difference or not. i also have 3 cherry shrimp and 3 snails that i can’t remember the name of for clean up.

i made some cuttings and took some plants from pots with leca and put them on a grate to have the roots hang in the water to provide shelter for fish and water and nutrients for plants. i plan to let these plants get established and become a second set of mother plants more accustomed to water to take cuttings from to root and move to pots to then sell. my goal is to be as efficient in producing rooted cuttings as possible.

for oxygen i have 2 bubblers being rated for 20 and 40 gallons i then split the 40 into two long stones (which i regret, i bought a bubble wall hose for a few dollars more and the results are honestly so amazing im going back for the bigger one to replace the stones tomorrow) that have some aquatic plants attached to a pot i used as a hide for the fish to help with nitrates and carbon levels in water.

by forknite35

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