Native Plant Gardening

Decided to ditch the turf grass and plant a native garden instead!

I just wanna say thank you for everyone on this subreddit for the wealth of information you all hold, and for sharing all of your beautiful native plants!

Without it I don’t think I would have ever made the jump to ditch the grass and replace it with native plants 🙂 so thanks again to all of you on here!

So excited to plant a prairie garden!

by Rattarollnuts


  1. Impossible_Dot_1345

    You should start seeing some more wildlife when everything starts flowering. It also looks better than boring old grass so good choice!

  2. Firm_Conversation445

    What have you planted? Super awesome that you got rid of the ecological desert!

  3. summercloud45

    Mazel tov! That’s so exciting! You don’t say where you are, but this isn’t the best time of year to plant in most of the country. You’re better off waiting until fall before putting more in. I can’t tell if that’s topsoil or mulch in the beds–if it’s topsoil, put down 2″ of mulch for the rest of the summer so weeds don’t move in.

  4. DaRealLizShady

    Hey OP, your yard is looking great. I am so excited for you, ever since I transitioned my front yard into a native garden I have seen a lot more wildlife, we are in town so it’s mostly birds, but little baby bunnies and of course tons of insects too. I LOVE staring our my front window to see who is visiting. I just wanted to let you know that I have had wonderful luck buying from two native nurseries in your area; Possibility Place Nursery and Agrecol. In both instances I ordered huge flats through the mail and I didn’t lose any plants! The plants both of those nurseries sent were so healthy and hardy. Good luck! Enjoy the journey!

  5. Latter-Republic-4516

    Since you have a lot of room to fill look into winter sowing! I started my garden with a mix of plugs and winter sown seedlings and saved a lot of money.

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