Indoor Garden

Help with pilea!

Hello everyone! First post here!

I just discover that in my Pilea some leafs are turning into yellow, and they are falling. We have it since few years and it is the first time that it do that. And the leafs in the top are growing curved.
Please if anyone can give us some advices!

Thank you and have a nice day!

by AlexBrugnoli


  1. SleepRealistic6190

    Not a pilea expert but it looks to me like you have too many in a tiny pot.

  2. PainInMyBack

    I think you should split them up into several pots, and replace the soil for all of them. They’re pretty hardy, but that’s a lot of plants in one pot. I’d leave the original pot for the biggest plant (probably, it’s hard to tell how big it is on its own behind all the company), and find smaller pots for the rest. You won’t necessary need to go up several sizes, because most plants don’t like too much room either.

  3. sunsetsammy

    looks beautiful, can repot everything you have or take the babies and remove those and give away and repot what’s left. Be careful main stem breaks easily.

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