Gardening UK

What do these become?

Pls excuse the elementary nature of my question. Wondering what these caterpillars will become? Butterflies? Can’t be known? They’re obvs eating the nasturtium, but is it good to feed these guys regardless?

by qlusterduck


  1. Somebody_Broke_That

    Yep, large white butterflies. I know it can be sad to see your flowers munched but if you could leave them to it that is great. I have a patch of self seeded nasturtiums every year that is just for them.

  2. FionaTheHobbit

    These absolute b*stards have completely killed my cauliflowers and cabbages while I was away on holidays…. 😭

  3. PoppyStaff

    It’s definitely good to leave them be. They provide food for birds and the survivors turn into butterflies, which are very scarce this year.

  4. spacerobotx

    We have large white & small white caterpillars on our nasturtiums, we just leave them to it,they are more than welcome to enjoy a few juicy leaves!

  5. Responsible-Ice-3340

    I love the difference of opinion on these.Much like the opinions you get on foxes/slugs/squirrels/wasps/etc. I’m gonna quietly sit on the fence.

  6. AlGunner

    Go to google on your phone. Tap the search button, tap the camera icon, take a photo and it will search for the picture. Quicker and easier than waiting for replies on here. 👍

  7. pcjones1991

    I’ve had loads of them. Plants are completely gone but worth it for the butterflies.

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