Lawn Care

What are these white balls on my lawn

Anybody ever seen these balls cluster in your lawn? They seem localized in a bare patch on my Bermuda lawn. They feel like they’re made of paper and a bit soft. Is it animal feces?

by pnt_blnk


  1. alwaysmyfault

    LOL dude playing with rabbit turds and posting it on Reddit.

    Gotta love it.

  2. Ok-Nefariousness8612

    I can tell you that it ain’t Reese’s puffs

  3. MasterWilligans

    My guy with the bunny turds just rolling em like dice in his hands.

  4. And the bigger version (about 5x the size) are Possum turds.

  5. Loud-Cat6638

    You are so lucky! That’s natural granola!

  6. WizardMageCaster

    What does it taste like? We can tell more if you tell us if it tastes like sugar.

  7. smackaroonial90

    You’ve been visited by the Easter bunny!

  8. Chocolate from your native chocolate tree. Try it

  9. BuildingBirdHouses

    Eat one. If they are sweet, it’s probably chocolate candy. If it tastes like shit, it’s probably rabbit shit.

  10. Aromatic_Ad_408

    They’re called natural viagra. Take one a day with your breakfast. Guaranteed!

  11. VegetableBusiness897

    And I though the Easter bunny sh!t skittles

  12. BamaCrazy_1

    Rabbits will sit in one place long enough and eat your lawn until there is a large dead spot. And their poop is bad for the grass and does not act like a fertilizer as you would think. They love Bermuda and Zoysia but will not eat St Augustine.

  13. MetaphoricalMouse

    hahahahaha no way this isn’t trolling

  14. Nervous-Bullfrog-884

    At least he didn’t taste it 🤐

  15. Lost-Thought-1184

    If u see something suspicious don’t pick it up, because you are holding rabbit crap mate

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