
When do you repot plants after bringing them home?

Usually the plants I bring home are in a super dense soil and drenched. Would you repot it right away? Or let it dry out and then repot when it’s ready to be watered again?

by 1fruitfairy


  1. Canela1998

    If it’s bad immediately, if it’s okay also immediately. People don’t like repotting immediately or act like it’s the end but if you get the plant locally then it should be accustomed to your environment already, well for me because I keep mine outdoors or in my greenhouse so it’s the same environment as the Lowes near me or whatever. If you’re taking them to a new environment then you should acclimate them but if it’s similar I wouldn’t worry about it. If you’re getting them online waiting should be best but it does depend on that because I’ve gotten some that are mostly fine but some needed a better environment so I did repot them but I’d be cautious.

  2. GoEatACookie

    For me, it depends on the condition of the plant and/or the medium it’s in.

    If the plant looks strong and healthy, and the medium looks meh, I may wait a week or two for the plant to settle down before shocking it further.
    Like I bought three tiny plants from Trader Joe’s two weeks ago. I repotted them yesterday because the plants looked healthy and strong. After repotting I took them out of quarantine.

    Some I repot as soon as I get home but leave in quarantine if they look iffy until they look strong and healthy.

  3. MalykaOfHearts

    The second they come home with me, I pull it out of the pot and shower off all the soil(shake loose what you can first) and plant leaves. Spray with Isopropyl/Castille Soap/Water leave for two minutes rinse off. Repot the plant and move on. Less pests, and it gets the stress over faster. Rinsing off the roots is much easier on the plant than peeling off each piece and potentially damaging the roots in the process. I haven’t had any plants die or experience any issues from this routine since 2021.

  4. plantskiii

    I would let it dry out first personally because I don’t like touching wet soil (sensory issue of mine). Otherwise I would repot it the same day just to inspect the plant and root system.

  5. orchidspalms

    In my experience sudden changes it’s not good.depends on the type of plant but I’m patient and i leave it to acclimate in my house at least 1-2 months or even more especially with orchids.

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