Edible Gardening

Losing the Great War: A Homesteading Garden Tour

Hey Ya’ll, welcome to our little hobby farm. I’m thrilled you’re here! I hope you’ll find a comfy chair, a cup of something hot and wonderful, and spend sometime with us.

You’ll typically find me in one of two places, the garden or the kitchen. Teaching and sharing this amazing world of growing your food, cooking from scratch, utilizing your harvest, and homesteading with our family, is a passion. We hope to encourage people to grow their own food, feel confident in homesteading, and live a life both messy and beautiful, because this life comes with a bit of dirt and a lot of love.

Every week you’ll find us enjoying the wildness of raising a large family in the country. Welcome to the garden, to the kitchen, and to our small farm in South Carolina.

Faith is like a seed; plant it in your heart. God gives the harvest at the appointed time. (Mark 4:26-27,28-29)

Have a gardening question? Email us and we will try to do a video and answer it!
Email Us: shepherdingpeppersfarm@gmail.com

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Often times items mentioned in the video will be found on the our Amazon Store, but if you are looking something specific, feel free to ask!

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  1. I'm once again amazed at the quantity of foods you get, but also the varieties you plant. This is my 2nd year growing anything, so seeing the different types and hearing your explanations are super helpful for deciding what I'll grow next season. I don't know any store around me that sells anything you've shown in any tour, so I've reduced myself to calling your garden a food library. 😂

    For my fall garden, I'm going for Winter Density (lettuce), Red Acre (cabbage), and Bull's Blood (beets). I'm excited to see what you get planted. Thanks again. Have a great day!

  2. Great video as always Natasha. Hey, you mentioned once you have a good recipe for the taco bell hot sauce. Have you ever made that in a video? If not would you be willing to? My husband loves that stuff!

  3. Great video.
    Could you do a garden tool list? Items that you use often include harvest apron, snipping shears, favorite fertilizer, and so on. Also include the features that you enjoy the most about those items. Or, maybe you already did a video and could link it for me. Thank you.
    Have a glorious day!

  4. I absolutely love watching your gardening videos every week! I'm having so much trouble finding reasonably priced harvesting baskets. Do you have any recommendations on where to find some?

  5. I always love watching your videos! Thank you so much! Where did you find your megatron jalapeño seeds? Those are great sizes

  6. I’m near Charleston,SC and I’m looking forward to seeing your fall planting schedule. Also, I’d love to know where you source seeds you like for our area.

  7. My daughter and I absolutely love red bell peppers, but after trying to grow them the last 5 years unsuccessfully, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Are there other pepper options that are a similar flavor but that might grow better for us up here in zone 7a/b? Banana peppers, cayenne, and jalapeño produce wonderfully for me, but bells just don't. HELP!!! 😂

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