Plant Propagation

Help! The root I had growing came off

I got 2 Rhaphidophora tetrasperma cuttings and they came in moss, I usually prop in water for Monstera but I decided to try this out. Well one grew a little root and this one had one too but when I went to check the other day it was gone. Is it going to die?

by choochoo9053


  1. saucystonerchick83

    It should be fine. Just put it back in the moss, and new roots will grow. You could also try some rooting powder to help it along.

  2. shrampmaster

    Between moss, water, and perlite, I have had the most success with rooting in perlite. It helps the roots grow stronger (compared to water props) so there’s less of a shock when/if you transfer it to soil, and it’s a lot easier to use root hormone powder. If you’re looking for another method, I’d highly recommend it!

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