Plant Clinic

ZZ help please – I’m traveling and looking for advice & reassurance!

I’m traveling and seeking advice/reassurance!

I’ve been traveling for work for 4 weeks and I’ve got 10 days to go. I adopted this ZZ from a friend a week before I left – last pic is how it looked then. My husband has been watching my plants and sent me the 1st pic yesterday. I told him it needs more water right away, so he did but today it looks worse. I asked him to move it to a slightly darker room (that’s the red rug). He’s super diligent about whatever I ask. I think the plant has been getting more light than it used to, and I probably underestimated in my watering instructions. My husband doesn’t love my plants but he’s a good sport – I don’t want to give him a hard time. I’m really worried though. Will the plant recover??

Thank you!

by Interesting_Bit8173

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