What's this plant

My child brought this home from school to grow in a styro cup barely with roots and we put it in a larger pot. What is it?

My child brought this home from school to grow in a styro cup barely with roots and we put it in a larger pot. What is it?

by Cycleofmadness


  1. MrsSasquatch26

    I have these exact zinnias in my yard! Wonderful cutting flowers or if you let them get dry on the plant you can pull seeds from the dried flowers and have lots more next year! I just throw some around at the end of every season and I have lovely new flowers every June.

  2. 80sLegoDystopia

    It’s a zinnia. Y’all can save the seed head and pant more next year. Love zinnias!

  3. Needmoresnakes

    Zinnia. It was the first flower grown in space!

  4. Primary_Face_4428

    You can replant the seeds next year from the flower after it turns… just dry them out in a paper bag 🙂

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