Gardening UK

First time gardener – let me know your thoughts.


I just wanted to show you my troughs.
My Dad kindly bought me these containers for my garden in my first home.
I am completely new to outdoor gardening as for the past 8 years I have been a dedicated houseplant parent (oh, and I also didn’t have a garden).
I wanted mainly evergreen plants so I have some year-round interest and also plants that are relatively ‘easy’.
I did a little research, got overwhelmed, so decided to go to the garden centre and wing it.
I spend 3 hours looking around and choosing my plants and this is the final product.

Please let me know your thoughts. Will this thrive or will I be buying new plants next summer? Is there anything you would change?

Thanks in advance ☺️

by kettleplease


  1. Imaginary_Garbage_47

    Keep them well watered during summer/autumn (and keep and eye during winter too) while they establish. I wouldn’t change anything, but I’d keep an eye on the overcrowding when they start filling out. It can cause powdery mildew and they might fail to thrive. Also being a houseplant parent you’ll understand watering etc so that’s not a problem 🙂 

  2. subtleeffect

    Looks a bit crowded, but looks lovely at the moment! Did you check the reach/spread of each plant? You might find that some outcompete each other and some other die as a result, but provided you’re willing to accept that, there should be no major issues!

  3. condor--avenue

    Beautiful mix of colours and textures, you’ve got a good eye for this! As others have said, there’s probably a bit too much in there, as the plants will all grow quite a bit.

  4. Cultural-Web991

    Very pretty
    I like your attention to size and colour and shape of foliage
    Also seems to be a good mix of evergreen plants to keep interest all year round
    Watch out for some plants that grow more vigorously than others and will take over their section. You might need to move some plants onto other containers.
    We learn literally by our mistakes in gardening.
    Lose a few plants, get it wrong, miscalculate sizes…. It’s easy done. But you’ve thrown yourself in and made a really good start 👍👍👍

  5. ShadowWar89

    Are any of them climbers?
    I’d be very tempted to fix some trellis (you can clamp it to the concrete posts) and get some climbers going up the back.

    Is there a liner in the planters?
    It looks like not very thick softwood. So may rot quite quickly if it stays damp for extended periods.

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