
Why are they growing like this?! 😭

One of my clearance shelf rescues, they've been steadily producing new leaves but as it's growing up they're losing verigation instead of gaining. It's just …tapering off? Any suggestions on what they might need? Last pic is where they're currently living, under grow light with a small humidifier behind it. And yes I know they need some support I just haven't had a chance to repot yet 🥲

by thepeepingnee


  1. thepeepingnee

    Please ignore the fact that I said verigation not fenestration. 🤪

  2. TropicalSkysPlants

    This is a rhaphiadora tetrasperma, commonly confused with a monstera but is not however the cause is most likely not enough light, same with actual monsteras lol

    Those lights you have aren’t that good unfortunately

  3. ajellyfishbloom


    Your post will get removed for being the wrong genus, so go to the other subreddit.

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