Gardening UK

I have just been for a walk round an estate near where I live, I feel rejuvenated. (Delete if not allowed)

I have just been for a walk round an estate near where I live, I feel rejuvenated. (Delete if not allowed)

by Mr-Lucius-Needful


  1. sherpyderpa

    Marks Hall. Beautiful place. Been there a few times myself.

  2. SadAttention8418

    Yeah sorry, feeling rejuvenated is not allowed, you’ve got 15 mins until mods delete this if you’re lucky

  3. FlatBadger1

    Very calming gardens, thanks for posting 👍🏼

  4. FOF_Floof

    I thought this was going to be a “How can I improve my garden?” humble brag post :-p

  5. Known-Supermarket-68

    Beautiful. Absolutely lovely, thank you for sharing.

    I was in the garden centre last year and the person next to me described black eyed Susans as “a trash plant, so vulgar”. I have never been so offended on behalf of a plant before.

  6. Scottie99

    Love when our area has an open garden weekend, love walking round some gorgeous gardens.

  7. iwishiwasjohn

    Definitely not the sort of estate near where I live…

  8. thisiswecalypso

    It would be lovely to have more of these sorts of posts and fewer of the “What poison should I pour on my garden to exterminate everything in it?” ones.

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