Lawn Care

Survived 2 rounds of Glysophate/2,4-d/triplocyr mix…. what is it and why wont it die?

Survived 2 rounds of Glysophate/2,4-d/triplocyr mix…. what is it and why wont it die?

by inprimuswesuck


  1. inprimuswesuck

    I’m prepping my backyard for a reno. I sprayed everything with crossbow mixed with 41% glysophate 2-1/2 weeks ago. 2nd application was this past Sunday and while 99% of the yard is dead, whatever this fern looking weed is hasn’t changed appearance at all

    Yes, I used a surfactant

  2. I swear I just killed something similar in my yard with some spectracide

    Must be a mutant variation 🤣

  3. Afraid_Skin2366

    It looks like some sort of fern.Ferns are something in between fungi and plants but more plant than fungi.

    Normally, Roundup should kill it. Weird that it has not.

  4. brilliantminion

    Looks exactly like the Boston fern we have in our area. We like them where we are because they are so resilient.

    I’m having the opposite problem, we have Chinese elm tree seedlings everywhere that are impossible to kill once they get established.

  5. Let my wife take care of it and it will be dead in a few weeks.

  6. Time to kill it with fire. Lots and lots of fire

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