
Struggling with my Alocasia Cuprea

I suspect that my alocasia was getting too much light and that’s why the leaves started to point away from the window, but since I have moved it further back, it’s not getting as much light and it doesn’t seem to be doing any better…. Recently re-potted with a healthy soil mix incl organic material, it gets watered when the soil is dry and I try to keep it a little bit moist. It used to sit closer to a south facing window and now it’s as far back as it can be. Any help or tips are greatly appreciated!

by NormanRockpoorly


  1. ThePikeMan

    Definitely put her back in the brighter spot. You can tell she isn’t getting enough light because the petioles are really long.

  2. Lucky_wildflower

    It’s really leggy. Find something closer but it doesn’t need to be right on the windowsill. Mine is doing well a few feet from an east facing window.

  3. BenevolentCheese

    Cuprea are known to face their leaves away from the light. Put it back in the light. They can take everything besides full direct midday sun.

  4. NormanRockpoorly

    Okay, good to know. I’ll try that!

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