Houseplants Circle Jerk

Irrationally annoyed/Is it just me?

Not trying to call out any one individual, the pic is just an example of something I see a lot, and it's seriously driving me nuts. What is with plant owners who immediately jump to chop & prop as soon as their plant becomes even remotely inconvenient to care for? Like, they'd rather cut it up and try to start over, without ever figuring out what went wrong in the first place. Nevermind that there's a more than decent chance that they'll just end up with the same problem, since they didn't solve the issue the first time. This is closely related to people who buy a plant with two (2) leaves and immediately want to start propping it. Can't you give it a minute? Let it grow a little? Healthy plants make more successful props, y'all. Not to mention, a still-living plant will continue to give you cuttings and offshoots indefinitely. Don't get me wrong, if the only way to save a plant is to prop whatever is still viable, I'm all for it. That's not what I'm talking about here. So, is it just me?

by Intelligent-Pay-5028


  1. bunnieho

    i love propagating my plants when they just dont look like i want them to. what annoys me more is when people dont know how to propagate/try to propagate like a pothos leaf or something. everybody starts somewhere but theyre always the type of people to start arguing about how what theyre doing is right

  2. dothesehidemythunder

    Same lizard urge as

    “I just bought this plant. Should I divide it up?”

  3. ludacris-display

    Yep they’ll probably just end up with the same issue again. Not to mention that cutting a plant is always taking a risk. It might just never root (unlikely, but it happens) or take forever to start growing leaves again

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