
The Purple Tomato

I know there's been a lot of hype about "The Purple Tomato" or "super purple" as I've been calling them, so I wanted to do a lil show and tell to show you how mine turned out.

These are about the size of a large cherry tomato. I've included a size comparison to an average sized Sungold Cherry, and an average sized Early Girl from my garden. They grow on the vine like a cherry tomato too, with the ones at the top of the vine ripening first. I wish I had taken a picture of them on the vine before I picked them.

Their skin is black, a little brownish. But the insides really are "super purple". As far as taste goes, they're nothing too exciting or ground breaking, infact I found them a little bland. I personally prefer the sweetness of the Sungolds, and the purple tomato tastes like an average grocery store cherry tomato, just not as tart.

That being said, they're fun and gorgeous so I will probably continue to grow them.

by alibobalifeefifofali

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